course: print journalism

by M Gifari - lecture of STIK Semarang

Images can be classified as photo journalism have fulfilled the requirements contained in journalism and newspapers (the press). However, not all photos journalism have the same value. Appraiser photo journalism by Daniel D Mich., and Edwin Eberman in the book "The Technique of the picture story - M. Mudaris, 1996) is as follows.

Story Telling Quality
Whatever is preached in the picture will determine the quality of the image. News about the daily events (general) has a low news value than a rare occurrence.
Photographic Quality
There are pictures that are less good / bad or ugly print acquisition will reduce the value of course compared with photos taken with good and print well. Notwithstanding the conditions prevailing in photography.
Photo journalism is having some effect and no effect. The photographs that will surely have an influence caused action to a particular direction which will be public, government officials, community leaders and so on.
Good photographs and beautiful, of course, will attract the attention of readers, than a bad picture. A beautiful picture will certainly get high ratings from readers.
Images are simple, clear message will get a high assessment in the community. Because the image is easy to understand his point.
Object photo journalism
Object photo journalism is all the events / daily events with remarkable element. Event / incident can be obtained by reporters coincidence (events that occurred, known by the reporter inadvertently) and hunted (extraordinary events but I do not get it by accident but by waiting, sought and pursued with persistence and patience).

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