Courses: Rhetoric

STAGE SUBMISSION OF SPEECH by V. Dewantara-lecturer STIK Semarang

Communication anxiety is a major obstacle for a speaker. They are loosened them self-confidence. Communication anxiety is affecting the credibility of the communicator. While good content of messages delivered, although systematic organization that created the message, without self-confidence and credibility, it will lose influence and audience as well.

There are three guidelines for the delivery of the speech:
1. contacts, use of sound (paralanguage), and the use of signs and gestures (the
symbols of non verbal visual)
2. build confidence and credibility
3. communication anxiety: diagnosis. Many terms are used to name this phenomenon;
fever stage (stage frigth), anxiety speaking (anxienty speech) or a more general
job stress (performance strees)

Symptoms experienced: rapid heartbeat, palms / back sweating, panting, dry mouth and difficulty swallowing, etc. are symptoms / reaction nature, live how we should behave like fight or flight.
The issue is how we can control the energy piles can be channeled into our conversation, so be nice and sounds authoritative, and dynamic movement and life.
The causes of communication anxiety:
1. do not know what to do, Dale Carniegie provide advice "do what you are afraid to
do it" so as not to form self-image (self image) that we are not able to speak in
public, with such self-image, self-distrust will arise, because the not
confident, will fail. Failure will worsen again our self-image.
2. people suffer anxiety because they know the communication will be assessed. Faced
with the assessment of people become nervous. All the fear is actually more
present in our perception than in reality.
3. communication anxiety can happen not just a beginner, maybe even people who are
known as a good speaker, this occurs when the speaker faced with the situation
Short-term method is, when we have to control the communication of anxiety at the time (or) before the speech, the first long-term process, the second is the emergency exit (emergency door). The first method, we must increase our knowledge of rhetoric - preparation, and delivery of speeches. Knowledge rhetoric provide certainty what will be done and what about the audience reaction.
"He who practice what is known, Gods will teach what is not known", it said in an al quran. Train the rhetoric is to remove it. In addition to our knowledge increases, the exercises will increase confidence. Rudolph E Busby and Randall E Majors in the Basic Speech Communication, prescribing short-term method to deal with the concentration of communication anxiety and inhale deeply. The best technique for overcoming communication anxiety symptoms quickly was fishing from the audience response at the beginning to talk, to tell funny stories, ask questions that provoke audience reaction or by involving the audience in the activities. The focus of the audience also becomes the best way for speakers to enjoy the speech event, which he created. Some symptoms of anxiety will still be there but relaxation techniques, attention to the audience and good preparation will reduce the level of anxiety.**(write:002217)

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