by M Gifari - professor of Communication Science College Semarang

Upside down pyramid (inverted pyramid) is used for: to news that has high value - the presentation is attached to the time, starting from the most important to least important, must contain the element 5 W + 1 H.

Lead news characteristics are:
1. only one core theme of the news,
2. write a short, solid, clear, easily digested on first hearing (radio and television media),
3. as a guide the next sentence formulation,
4. representing the entire contents of the news
5. and do not need to contain elements of W 5 + 1 h.

Inverted pyramid consists of two parts of the body terrace news and news. In newspapers, news terrace (lead) is the first paragraph. In television news, which is the terrace is the first sentence read by the announcer. Terrace news is the most important part of the news story or a climax. While the body of the news is the biggest part of the news stories covering the things that is important-somewhat important-less important-not important. This is different for the television medium, where TV news is only to limit the things most important and essential because of the limitations of broadcast time).

Another case with standard pyramid is not binding on the news, the writing starts from the less important, and the scheme of the opening diawalai writing, descriptions and conclusions.

News value is dependent on various considerations including are :
  1. timeliness
  2. proximity
  3. prominence
  4. consequence
  5. conflict
  6. development
  7. disaster & crimes
  8. weather
  9. sport
  10. human interest
News types are:
  1. hard news
  2. soft news
  3. investigative reports
News source is the origin of the news of events and opinions (human). Events and opinions worthy of being news if you have news value, which is determined by the importance and interest to the community, the value of actuality, the value of conflict in all its forms, values and willingness to disaster, and the consequences of an event or opinion.

As a journalist should know quickly, whether an event / opinion at hand has news value or not. journalists should have the sensitivity in assessing the events or opinions, it is usually influenced by the experience of work.

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