Newspaper (journalism)

course: print journalism by M Gifari- lecture of Communication Science College Semarang

The role of the press (according to Cohen in Bennard C Advanced Newsgathering) is:
1. informer
2. interpreter
3. representative of the public
4. watchdog
5. policy makers and advocacy

journalists working lunch (by Jhon Tebbel in Opportunities in Journalism), are:
1. nose for news :
a. the six senses
b. interesting to know the information
c. general guidelines known but important
d. choose the more important issue than the same problem
e. contact information with one another
2. observation
3. curiosity
4. know news
5. handle the news
6. a clear expression of news
7. flexible personality
8. appropriate approach
9. speed
10. ingenuity
11. strong on promises
12. sharp memory
13. notebooks
14. reference
15. dictionaries
16. newspapers / magazines / radio / television
17. for the progress of repairs

9 principles of journalism (by Bill Kovach & Tom Rosentiel in his book "The Elements of journalism) are:
1. journalism's first obligation is to truth,
2. journalism's first loyalty is to the citizens of the community,
3. the core discipline of journalism is to verify,
4. the journalists must have freedom from source which they cover,
5. journalists have a duty as an independent monitor of power,
6. journalism should provide a forum for public criticism and comment,
7. journalism should try to make the important interesting and relevant,
8. journalists must keep the news comprehensive and professional,
9. journalists had a duty primary against his conscience.

Interview stage 10 (according to Ken Metzler News Gathering in the book) are:
1. to explain the purpose of interviews,
2. background research,
3. asking for an interview (can be via telephone, etc.),
4. plan the interview strategy,
5. see the respondents,
6. asking the question seriously,
7. continuing the core interview,
8. asking question,
9. choose the impact of the questions,
10. and conclude end of the interview.

10 principles of writing (according to Robert Gunning) is:
1. to make short sentences,
2. simple words rather than choose a complex,
3. choosing the words common,
4. avoiding words that do not need,
5. give strength to the verb,
6. to write as we speak,
7. using the term commonly used by readers,
8. connecting with readers the experience,
9. using a variation,
10. write to express not to influence.

(write: 002217)

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